KNC-12 control unit

KNC-40 control unit

KNC-60 Control unit for 60 calling points

20 point Terminal Connector
Strip for Connecting switches with control unit.
For 40 points system 2 strips
will be shipped
For 60 points system 3 strips
will be shipped. |
- As Nurse
Call Displays to efficiently attend the needs of
patients in Hospitals and Nursing Homes .
- As Room
Service Call Bell system in Hotels and Offices
- As single
call bell for multiple doors / Gates in a large
house with calling door identification.
Customization offered for other possible
applications in housing societies , industries
Installation :
- Fix any type
of simple push buttons at required calling point
locations .
- Connect
calling point switches with main control
terminal strip using any 2 core telephone cable.
- Connect a
suitable bell at terminals provided in control
- Connect power
adapter at DC socket provided in Control unit .
- Switch ON the
system by RED Power ON/OFF switch provided at
side panel of control unit.
Operation :
When at any of the
locations a call switch is pressed , the light in
control unit will start glowing against respective
calling point number and it will sound the bell .
After providing service at called locations lights
of attended numbers can be turned off by pressing
their respective buttons in the control unit.
Note: Duration of
bell sound will depend on the type of bell connected
by user Bell can be optionally be switched off
through a switch provided in control unit .
All systems are
manufactured with user friendly features and are
very easy to install. Any ordinary person can
install the system easily by following the
instructions sheet .
Power Supply : 12
VDC , Suitable power adapter for use with 100V to
240AC is shipped with product.
Cable for connecting call
switches with control unit : Use
any 2 core telephone cables . (Not included)
Room switches : Use
any type of push buttons like door call bell
switches . ( Not included ) |